Snow Data Entry

This is one example of a filled-in snow data entry form. The comments below in italics are meant to provide a quick reference to how to fill in the form. Full details on how to take the measurements can be found on the main help page. Please read the main help at least once each season!

Note that the units expected for each observation are shown to the right of the data entry box. In this sample, English units ("in") are shown. In the actual data entry form, the units shown in the labels will match what's expected from your location (English units for the U.S., metric units everywhere else).

C0004 NWS ID

Observation Date
Observation Local Time (HH:MM AM/PM)
Change if you are reporting at a different time.

in Snowfall for the last 24 hrs
Enter the depth of new snow that fell in the last 24 hours on your snowboard, measured to at least the nearest tenth of an inch (metric reports should have at least 0.2 cm resolution). If the amount of new snow is less than 0.1 in (or 0.2 cm) enter T to record it as a trace. (Note that after you submit the form and it echoes what you entered, trace will show up as 0.1 in (or 0.2 cm).)
in Snow water equivalent of snowfall for the last 24 hrs
Enter the water equivalent of new snow that fell in the last 24 hours by melting the contents of your rain gage, measured to at least the nearest 0.01 in (0.2 mm).

in Snowfall for the last 6 hrs
If you are reporting every 6 hours*, enter the amount of new snow that fell on your snowboard in the last 6 hours, measured to at least the nearest tenth of an inch (0.2 cm). If the amount of new snow is less than 0.1 in (or 0.2 cm) enter T to record it as a trace.
in Snow water equivalent of snowfall for the last 6 hrs
If you are reporting every 6 hours*, enter the water equivalent of new snow that fell in the last 6 hours by melting the contents of your rain gage, measured to at least the nearest 0.01 in (0.2 mm).
* Volunteers may enter data every 6 hours, every 24 hours, or both. In this example, only a 24 hour report has been made.

in Total Snow depth
Enter the total amount of ALL snow on the ground, old and new.
in Snow water equivalent of the total snow depth
Enter the water equivalent of the total snow depth by using the rain gage to take a core, then melting the contents of the gage.

  • If you are not present to witness the greatest snow accumulation, input may be obtained from other people who were near the station during the snow event. If your observation is not based on a measurement, select: "snow amount based on estimate".

  • You want to report the greatest accumulation since the last observation. If snowfall occurred several times during the period, and each snowfall melted either completely or in part before the next snowfall, record the total of the greatest snowdepths of each event and select: "snowfall melted during the OBS period".

  • If snow continually melts as it lands, and you entered a T (trace) as the amount of new snow, select: "snow melted as it landed".

  • If none of those above conditions occurred, select "none".

Volunteers are encouraged to enter any or all of the following observations, there's no requirement to enter all of the possible observations in order to participate.
Click to submit your report. Click to clear your edits or to start over. Click to see instructions on how to take observations.

If you have any problems submitting the form, or have questions about how to fill it in, send email to

When you click the "submit" button you will then be presented with a copy of your report. After verifying that this is correct (if not go "back") click the "submit" button on that page to record the report.

Last updated 03 January 2023.

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