AFA | U.S. Air Force Academy40 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
AFA | AIRNow56 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
AKDOT | Alaska Department of Transportation27 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
AK-Meso | Alaska Mesonet (Fort Greely)44 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
APG | Aberdeen Proving Grounds12 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
APRSWXNET | APRS Wx Net Citizen Weather3 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
ARLFRD | NOAA Air Resources Laboratory/Field Research Division49 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
ASOS | ASOS reports | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
AWS | AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc. 51 (only available inside domain) | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
AWX | Anything Weather9 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
CA-Hydro | CA-Hydro57 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
CAIC | Colorado Avalanche Information Center46 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NEPP | New England Pilot Project17 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
CODOT | Colorado Department of Transportation24 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
CO_E-470 | Colorado E-470 Public Highway Authority21 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
DCNet | DCNet23 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
DEOS | Delaware Environmental Observing System58 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
EDW | Edwards Air Force Base57 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
FLDOT | Florida Department of Transportation26 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
FL-Meso | Florida Mesonet6 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
GADOT | Georgia Department of Transportation31 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
GLDNWS | Miscellaneous Stations - CO/NE/KS5 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
GLOBE | GLOBE Program34 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
GoMOOS | Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System15 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
GPSMET/DDMET | NOAA Profiler Network/GPSMET16 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
HADS | Hydrometeorological Automated Data System14 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
IADOT | Iowa Department of Transportation7 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
IEM | Iowa Environmental Mesonet10 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
INDOT | Indiana Department of Transportation25 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
INTERNET | Miscellaneous Stations - Boulder/Ft. Collins CO1 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
ITD | Idaho Transportation Department54 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
KSDOT | Kansas Department of Transportation4 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
KYTC-RWIS | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet RWIS28 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
LCRA | Lower Colorado River Authority59 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
LSU-JSU | Louisiana State University/Jackson State University19 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MAP | Multi-Agency Profiler16 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
Maritime | Buoys, ships, C-MAN stations | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MDDOT | Maryland Department of Tranportation42 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MEDOT | Maine Department of Tranportation43 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MesoWest | Cooperative Mesonets in the Western U.S.2 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MISC | Miscellaneous Stations - AK, CO, FL52 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MNDOT | Minnesota Department of Transportation8 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MOComAgNet | University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agriculture Automated Weather Network29 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
MQT-Meso | Miscellaneous Stations - Marquette, MI32 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NC-ECONet | North Carolina Environment and Climate Observing Network50 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NDDOT | North Dakota Department of Transportation30 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NEDOR | Nebraska Department of Roads35 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NHDOT | New Hampshire Department of Transportation45 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NERRS | National Estuarine Research Reserve System48 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NJWxNet | New Jersey Weather and Climate Network47 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
OTHER-MTR | Non-ASOS METAR reports | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NonFedAWOS | Non-Fed AWOS41 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NOS-NWLON | National Ocean Service Water Level Observation Network11 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
NOS-PORTS | National Ocean Service Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System11 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
OHDOT | Ohio Department of Transportation36 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
OK-Meso | Oklahoma Mesonet18 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
PADEP | Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection55 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
RAWS | Remote Automatic Weather Stations1 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
RDMTR | Radiometer17 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
SAO | SAO reports from Canada | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
SFWMD | South Florida Water Management District39 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
UDFCD | Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District1 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
UrbaNet | UrbaNet 51 (only available inside domain) | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
USHCN-M | US Historical Climatology Network - Modernized 57 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
VADOT | Virginia Department of Transportation33 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
VEDOT | Vermont Department of Transportation37 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
WIDOT | Wisconsin Department of Transportation22 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
WT-Meso | West Texas Mesonet20 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
WxFlow | WeatherFlow53 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
WXforYou | Weather for You13 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
WYDOT | Wyoming Department of Transportation38 | hourly | daily | weekly | monthly |
1 Data collected by the BOU NWS Weather Forecast Office.
2 Data collected by the University of Utah.
3 Data collected by Amateur Radio Service Operators as a public service.
4 Data collected by the Kansas Department of Transportation.
5 Data collected by the GLD NWS Weather Forecast Office.
6 Data collected by the University of Florida and the University of South Florida.
7 Data collected by the Iowa Department of Transportation.
8 Data collected by the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
9 Data collected by
10 Data collected by Iowa State University.
11 Data collected by the NOAA National Ocean Service.
12 Data collected by the U.S. Army's Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
13 Data collected by
14 Data collected by the NWS Office of Hydrologic Development.
15 Data collected by the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System Project.
16 Data collected by the ESRL/GSD Demonstration Branch.
17 Data collected by the ESRL/GSD Central Facility.
18 Data collected by the Oklahoma Climatological Survey.
19 Data collected by Louisiana State University & Jackson State University.
20 Data collected by Texas Tech University.
21 Data collected by the Colorado E-470 Public Highway Authority.
22 Data collected by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
23 Data collected by the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory.
24 Data collected by the Colorado Department of Tranportation.
25 Data collected by the Indiana Department of Tranportation.
26 Data collected by the University of North Florida.
27 Data collected by the Alaska Department of Tranportation.
28 Data collected by the Kentucky Tranportation Cabinet.
29 Data collected by the University of Missouri.
30 Data collected by the North Dakota Department of Tranportation.
31 Data collected by the Georgia Department of Tranportation.
32 Data collected by the MQT NWS Weather Forecast Office.
33 Data collected by the Virginia Department of Transportation.
34 Data collected by the GLOBE project.
35 Data collected by the Nebraska Department of Roads.
36 Data collected by the Ohio Department of Transportation.
37 Data collected by the Vermont Department of Transportation.
38 Data collected by the Wyoming Department of Transportation.
39 Data collected by the South Florida Water Management District.
40 Data collected by the U.S. Air Force Academy.
41 Data collected by the MacPherson KS Airport.
42 Data collected by the Maryland Department of Transportation.
43 Data collected by the Maine Department of Transportation.
44 Data collected by the U.S. Army's Fort Greely.
45 Data collected by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.
46 Data collected by the Colorado Avalanche Information Center.
47 Data collected by the office of the New Jersey State Climatologist at Rutgers, the State University.
48 Data collected by the NWS Office of Hydrologic Development from stations operated by the NOS Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management and its local partners.
49 Data collected by the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory/Field Research Division.
50 Data collected by State Climate Office of North Carolina.
51 Data collected by AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc.
52 Data collected from various sources.
53 Data collected by WeatherFlow.
54 Data collected by the Idaho Transportation Department.
55 Data collected by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
56 Data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
57 Data collected by the NWS.
58 Data collected by the Univ. of Delaware.
59 Data collected by the Lower Colorado River Authority.
60 Data collected by the Univ. of South Alabama.