----------------- MADIS Subroutines ----------------- User-Level ---------- macarssta.f Get ACARS station info for chosen time macarspsta.f Get ACARS profiles station info for chosen time mchgtim.f Add/subtract seconds to MADIS Julian time ('YYJJJHHMM') mchrtim.f Convert integers for year, month, day, hour, minute to MADIS Julian time mgetacars.f Get ACARS numeric variables mgetacarsc.f Get ACARS character variables mgetacarsp.f Get ACARS profiles numeric variables mgetacarspc.f Get ACARS profiles character variables mgethydro.f Get hydro variables numeric variables mgethydroc.f Get hydro variables character variables mgetij.f Convert latitude & longitude to floating point I,J grid index mgetmap.f Get MAP numeric variables mgetmapc.f Get MAP character variables mgetnpn.f Get NPN hourly wind variables mgetraob.f Get radiosonde numeric variables mgetraobc.f Get radiosonde character variables mgetrdmtr.f Get radiometer numeric variables mgetrdmtrc.f Get radiometer character variables mgetsatrad.f Get satellite radiance variables mgetsatsnd.f Get satellite soundings variables mgetsatwnd.f Get satellite wind variables mgetsfc.f Get surface numeric variables mgetsfcc.f Get surface character variables mgetsnowc.f Get snow numeric variables mgetsnow.f Get snow character variables mgetwisdom.f mhydrosta.f Get hydro station info for chosen time minit.f Initialize a MADIS subsystem minttim.f Convert MADIS Julian time to integers for year, month, day, hour, minute mmadisclose.f Close all MADIS netCDF files mmapsta.f Get MAP station info for chosen time mnpnsta.f Get NPN hourly wind station info for chosen time mraobsta.f Get radiosonde station info for chosen time mrdmtrsta.f Get radiometer station info for chosen time msatradsta.f Get satellite radiance station info for chosen time msatsndsta.f Get satellite soundings station info for chosen time msatwndsta.f Get satellite wind station info for chosen time msetcor.f Set observation correction options msetdom.f Set horizontal domain options msethydropvdr.f Set hydro data provider options msetmappvdr.f Set MAP data provider options msetrdmtrpvdr.f Set radiometer data provider options msetsatradpvdr.f Set satellite radiance data provider options msetsatsndpvdr.f Set satellite soundings data provider options msetsatwndpvdr.f Set satellite wind data provider options msetsfcpvdr.f Set surface data provider options msetsnowpvdr.f Set snow data provider options msetqc.f Set QC filtering options msetwin.f Set time window options msfcsta.f Get surface station info for chosen time mtrntim.f Translate MADIS time formats (Julian <--> Month/Day) Utility ------- m_ah2rh.f Calculate relative humidity from absolute humidity and temperature m_altprs.f Calculate pressure from altimeter and elevation m_bicubic.f Bicubic interpolation of grid G at point X,Y m_cirdif.f Calculate angular distance between two angles m_ddff.f Calculate wind speed and direction from u, v wind components m_dewpnt.f Calculate dewpoint from temperature and relative humidity m_esw.f Calculate saturation vapor pressure from temperature m_eswinv.f Calculate temperature from saturation vapor pressure m_getuv.f Calculate u, v wind components from wind speed and direction m_prsalt.f Calculate altimeter from pressure and elevation m_ptozsa.f Calculate pressure altitude from pressure assuming a standard atmosphere m_rdisll.f Calculate distance in miles between a pair of lat/lon coordinates m_rh.f Calculate relative humidity from temperature and dewpoint m_rh2ah.f Calculate absolute humidity from relative humidity and temperature m_tmr2.f Calculate temperature for a given pressure and mixing ratio. m_ssh.f Calculate saturation specific humidity from pressure and temperature m_stvppr.f Calculate saturation vapor from temperature m_td2ah.f Calculate absolute humidity from dewpoint and air temperature m_tv.f Calculate virtual temperature from temperature, dewpoint, and pressure m_tv2tq.f Calculate temperature and specific humidity from Tvirt, pressure and RH m_wmr.f Calculate mixing ratio from pressure and temperature m_ztopsa.f Calculate pressure from height assuming a standard atmosphere Internal -------- m_ascsort.f m_cbsrch.f m_chckqc.f m_clrqc.f m_cnvttm.f m_combqc.f m_cswap.f m_ctrn2dim.f m_cvjlmd.f m_cvwftat.f m_dscsort.f m_dswap.f m_eqvlat.f m_findword.f m_intht.f m_intp.f m_iswap.f m_itrn2dim.f m_loght.f m_lswap.f m_phtint.f m_rswap.f m_rtrn2dim.f m_updsrcin.f macarstime.f mdomfltr.f merror.f mgenvcn.f mgetuapt.f mgetuaptc.f mgetvcn.f mgtchr.f mgtnum.f mhydrocls.f mhydrofltr.f mhydroinit.f mhydrordsta.f mhydrotbl.f mmadiscls1.f mmadisopen.f mmapbeam.f mmapbeamc.f mmapext.f mmaplt.f mmapmddbl.f mmapmdvar.f mmaptime.f mmapvc.f mmapwind.f mmapwmode.f mnpnbeam.f mnpnext.f mnpnht.f mnpnlt.f mqcfltr.f mqcinq.f mraobchr.f mraobext.f mraobint.f mraobnum.f mrdchr.f mrddbl.f mrddep.f mrddim.f mrdnum.f mrdraoblev.f mrdvcode.f mreal2int.f mremraoblv.f msatradcls.f msatradfltr.f msatradinit.f msatradrdsta.f msatradtbl.f msatsndcls.f msatsndfltr.f msatsndinit.f msatsndmoi.f msatsndrdsta.f msatsndtbl.f msatsndtv.f msatwndcls.f msatwndfltr.f msatwndinit.f msatwndlt.f msatwndrdsta.f msatwndtbl.f msatwndwind.f msfccls.f msfcelev.f msfcfltr.f msfcinit.f msfcmoi.f msfcart.f msfcpchg.f msfcpcp.f msfcprs.f msfcrdlft.f msfcrdsta.f msfcsnow.f msfcsrad.f msfctbl.f msfctv.f msfcwind.f mtmrng.f msfiles.f msnowcls.f msnowfltr.f msnowinit.f msnowrdsta.f msnowsta.f msnowtbl.f muaptcls.f muaptfltr.f muapthtp.f muaptinit.f muaptmoi.f muaptrdsta.f muaptsta.f muapttbl.f muapttv.f muaptwind.f mwisdomcls.f mwisdomfltr.f mwisdominit.f mwisdomrdsta.f mwisdomsta.f mwisdomtbl.f mwisdomwind.f m_frtchr.f m_getlun.f m_gti4tm.f m_idsubsrc.f m_lcllij.f m_lstchr.f m_marelv.f m_mkdesc.f m_mkfnam.f m_mki4tm.f m_mkwfnm.f m_rotfac.f m_setqc.f m_xgrid.f m_ygrid.f